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The Originalist Party was created in the wake of the election fraud of 2020 and other corruption happening in Washington. We support representatives, senators, and other politicians at local, state and federal levels who believe in the Constitution and will do what is in the best interests of America.

We do not support anyone involved in or who supports radical groups such as q-anon, blm, antifa and the like (lowercase names on purpose). Nor do we give preference to one race or sex over another. We believe that all races are equal and everyone has an equal chance to do anything they want. We also believe that both women and men can equally succeed as long as we have a capitalist society that gives chances to everyone.


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We support people like Donald Trump, who gives everyone an equal chance and pays his employees based on their knowledge and experience. America was founded on Christian values, and we support those values, regardless of any of our members’ or donors’ personal beliefs. We fully support the Bill of Rights and believe that no one shall mandate or create laws or regulations, regardless of whether at the local, state or federal level, that infringe on our rights. Our premise is a simple one: We believe in the Constitution the way it was written.



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The Originalist Party